My son wanted to see Ad Astra. He saw the previews and something about them grabbed him. The look, the promise of a space adventure, something. One trailer and he was all in.

But, would he like it? It does look gorgeous. And there is a space adventure (I guess). But it is a slow-moving journey into the unknown. (Really, it feels like a remake of Apocalypse Now, truth be told.) There are no action scenes that usually grab a 12-year-old’s attention span. Would the meandering search for a father figure matter to him?

Listen to the episode here!

Not to spoil the podcast episode, but yes, he was able to “get into” the slower pace of the film. Once it became obvious this wasn’t a fast-moving movie, he was able to settle in and take in the sights and feelings the movie was presenting. It makes for an interesting conversation after you watch a film that’s stylistically completely different than your expectations.

Remember, you can find other movie review episodes of the podcast right here on The Roarbots: Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and Alita: Battle Angel.

Adam DiMuzio
Adam and his sons (Anthony and Zachary) host the Bodaciously Awesome Family Show. A podcast dedicated to helping maximize their kids experiences, and for kids to reap the fun. Right now they are likely playing a game, watching a movie or mindlessly arguing over which of us is more awesome.

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