Great Big Beautiful PodcastPodcasts

GBBP 193: Jason Fry


This week, we’re geeking out about Star Wars again. Big surprise, right? Joining us is Jason Fry, who’s certainly no stranger to the franchise. His in-universe bibliography is lengthy, having written everything from fiction to “nonfiction” to visual guides to RPG supplements and covering nearly every corner of the Star Wars galaxy. His most recent foray to the galaxy far, far away is the novelization of The Last Jedi.

But Fry is more than just Star Wars. He’s currently working on a series of superfun middle grade novels, The Jupiter Pirates, that you should definitely check out. And he comes from a deep background in journalism. He spent almost 13 years at the Wall Street Journal and still routinely writes for not-particularly-nerdy beats, such as baseball. (He’s a Mets fan, but we won’t hold that against him.)

On this episode, we talk about crossing the streams of being a fan versus a professional writer, how writing a film novelization differs from other fiction, dealing with fans online, working with Rian Johnson and adding new scenes to the book, and how The Jupiter Pirates grew out of his love for Star Wars.

You can listen on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher, and YouTube; you can follow the RSS feed; or you can listen right here!


Jamie Greene
Jamie is a publishing/book nerd who makes a living by wrangling words together into some sense of coherence. Away from The Roarbots, Jamie is a road trip aficionado and an obsessed traveler who has made his way through 33 countries (and counting). Elsewhere on the interwebs, he's a contributor to SYFY Wire and and hosted The Great Big Beautiful Podcast for more than five years. Watch The Roarbots on Youtube


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