Clouded in mystery and lurking in the shadows, here at the Roarbots, our fascination with urban legends knows no bounds. I don’t consider myself a student of Bigfoot so much as a disciple. Having been indoctrinated after visiting Expedition: Bigfoot, a ‘squatch museum in North Georgia, I find myself turning my head at every twig snap to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creature.

And now I’ve found a new obsession: MOMO: The Missouri Monster.

Without doing any further research beyond the press release, apparently during the summer of 1972, a three-toed hair creature terrorized the town of Louisiana, Missouri, for several weeks. In MOMO: The Missouri Monster, the tale is told in both documentary and narrative fashion using stylized “footage” from a (fictional) 1975 documentary about the mysterious creature.

Enough talk, take a gander that this incredible trailer to prep you for the DVD and VOD release on September 20, 2019!

On the off chance you needed more information to be sold on MOMO, here’s the official synopsis:

“The year was 1972 and the place was a tiny, quaint, riverfront town called Louisiana, Missouri. On a warm summer evening, two local kids saw a creature in their own backyard holding a dead dog. Before you could say the word “Bigfoot”, local media and police officials had pounced on the story. Overnight Louisiana became “monster central” with creature seekers and monster hunters combing the woods to look for “the thing” that the newspapers had dubbed “MOMO”. One particular family was at the center of this whirlwind of activity and as the Missouri Monster sightings began to increase, so did the negative impact on the Harrisons.

In 1975, a film crew set out to tell an over-the-top, filmic version of the MOMO sightings. Due to one reason or another, this should-have-been-cult-classic was never released. Until now.”

The PR for this film bills itself as a “’70s grindhouse homage.” I can certainly get on board with that, but mostly I’m just down with any ‘squatchsploitation flick that also includes UFOs.

MOMO: The Missouri Monster can be found nationwide on DVD (with a bonus 51-minute behind-the-scenes featurette), as well as Vimeo, OnDemand, Amazon Instant Video, and VIDI Space September 20, 2019. Purchase the movie here.


Preston Burt
Preston is a writer and graphic designer. He lives outside Atlanta, GA with his awesome wife and two amazing daughters (10 and 14). The host of the Wayback Attack Podcast, he has an affinity for VHS tapes and an obsession with arcade games and pinball machines. He has written for Paste and RETRO Magazines and is a founder of the Southern-Fried Gaming Expo.

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