
Transformers Cyberverse Spark Armor Grimlock Dares To Be Stupid


Remember how I was slightly confused that Hasbro didn’t announce a Spark Armor version of Grimlock at Toy Fair? After all, with every other character getting a spark drone of their own, it seemed odd to deny everyone’s favorite robo T-Rex.

I needn’t have worried, Cyberverse Grimlock isn’t just getting a Spark Armor drone this fall, he’s getting a drone that recalls one of the greatest Transformers characters ever.


Me, Grimlock have pituitary issues. (Image: Hasbro)

You might be inclined to skip ol’ Grimmy based on his base figure. While the bot mode is impressive (although at 4-inches tall he might as well be an Action Master), the dino mode is one of the weakest I’ve seen since they first tried to modernize Grimlock in the Classics line. He’s practically a velociraptor!

But all is forgiven because his drone is a very boxy, very orange, very familiar garbage truck. The drones may not have names, but this one is, almost certainly, meant to be Wreck-Gar from Transformers Animated.


I can’t hear you! Cyberverse Drone left, Transformers Animated right (Images: Hasbro,

Like Cyberverse, Transformers Animated leaned hard into the fun and had a toy line that perfectly translated what was on screen. It was also unapologetically nerdy, with baskets of G1 Easter Eggs in every episode.

When they introduced Wreck-Gar in the series, they tried to get Eric Idle, who originally provided the voice for the Junkion in Transformers: The Movie. When he was unavailable, they turned to the man who sang Wreck-Gar’s theme song from the movie: Weird Al.

His take on the character was unhinged and hysterical and made what was already an amazing series even better. Seeing his character back, even in drone form, tells me that Cyberverse is making all the right decisions.

Combine Grimlock with his drone and you get this amazing chonker:


OK, me Grimlock can hear you now. (Image: Hasbro)

Put down that chainsaw and listen to me: you’re going to want to make sure this is one Grimlock you don’t leave on the shelf this fall.

Anthony Karcz
Anthony Karcz is a pop culture, sci-fi, and fantasy junkie, with an affinity for 80s cartoons. When he isn't dispensing (mostly sound) technological advice on the Technology blog, Anthony can be found on,, and


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