It’s time for another sunny adventure. We’re still hanging out in Key West. It’s time to go out on the ocean and look at a lot of fish. We go deep sea snorkeling and encounter… #NoodleProblems.

Listen to the podcast here:

Noodle problems? Yeah. Seriously. Not sure how anyone can “mess up” snorkeling, but I have special skills. People get seasick on boats. I apparently get seasick when I get in the water. Like I said, special skills. Luckily, the family then made fun of me for it. For hours.

This isn’t our first adventure in Key West. Here is our first episode from the Conch Republic.

Let us know if there are experiences you’d like us to take on for you. If you leave us a comment on iTunes with your name, we’ll give you a special shout out on a future show. You also can connect with the show on Facebook and Twitter.

Adam DiMuzio
Adam and his sons (Anthony and Zachary) host the Bodaciously Awesome Family Show. A podcast dedicated to helping maximize their kids experiences, and for kids to reap the fun. Right now they are likely playing a game, watching a movie or mindlessly arguing over which of us is more awesome.

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