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Picard Nostalgia in Full Swing at Star Trek Las Vegas


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard by now that Jean-Luc Picard is coming back. Along with Data (and maybe B-4), Riker, Troi, Seven of Nine, and probably many more guest stars and cameos on next year’s Star Trek: Picard (which will join Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access).

And to drum up even more excitement among fans, an entire museum exhibit showcasing the captain’s life was set up earlier this summer at San Diego Comic-Con.

Well, for those Trek fans who missed it, it’s made another stop at the annual official Star Trek convention in Las Vegas. And I had the good fortune of meandering through.

The exhibit is incredible, as it pretends like Captain Picard was a real person and takes a very real look back through his career and life. I’m not sure how many of the props and costumes on display are original screen-used items (there’s no explanation anywhere), but just the blast of Picard and The Next Generation nostalgia is enough to make me happy.

And by the exhibit’s popularity every day here in Vegas, it looks like I’m not the only one.

So without further ado, here’s a walkthrough of most of the items on display. How many do you recognize?

Jamie Greene
Jamie is a publishing/book nerd who makes a living by wrangling words together into some sense of coherence. Away from The Roarbots, Jamie is a road trip aficionado and an obsessed traveler who has made his way through 33 countries (and counting). Elsewhere on the interwebs, he's a contributor to SYFY Wire and and hosted The Great Big Beautiful Podcast for more than five years. Watch The Roarbots on Youtube


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