Jurassic Park pinball machine unboxing

Unboxing videos seem to be all the rage right now. It’s not uncommon to watch a video of a vintage item being opened for the first time (Heck, that’s all one of my favorite under-the-radar YouTube channels does). However, not many people keep a pinball machine that cost several thousand dollars under wraps for over 20 years. Thankfully, the guys at VPcabs recognized that and documented the unboxing of a 25-year old Jurassic Park pinball machine they recently acquired.

According to this forum thread on Pinside, the game was one of two purchased at the same time; one for a client to add to a home gameroom and the other as “thanks” for helping the client for a variety of tasks. Unfortunately, there was a falling out between the parties involved until they reconciled in 2017. The customer held onto that boxed pinball machine the entire time.

They’re still manufacturing new pinball machines to this day, so you can hop on Amazon right now and purchase your own Deadpool, Iron Maiden, or Guardians of the Galaxy and have your own unboxing experience. If you’d rather live vicariously through others, there’s plenty of videos online. Check out the vintage unboxing below:


Preston Burt
Preston is a writer and graphic designer. He lives outside Atlanta, GA with his awesome wife and two amazing daughters (10 and 14). The host of the Wayback Attack Podcast, he has an affinity for VHS tapes and an obsession with arcade games and pinball machines. He has written for Paste and RETRO Magazines and is a founder of the Southern-Fried Gaming Expo.

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