Are you ready for the Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 6 trailer? I know I am! So have at it!

Season 6 sees the Voltron team and Lotor allied together, apparently trying to bring peace and prosperity to the Galra Empire. Their enemy? Sendak, most likely backed by Haggar, waging war against them and any planets who dare side with Lotor. There is also a quick glimpse of Krolia and Keith together. I am so excited for this season, which premieres on Netflix on June 15th. But the part I’m most excited about?

The Voltron paladins apparently get to do some live-action D&D as well? These weren’t from the trailer so you won’t see it by watching it again, but this is from Season 6. I think this needs a cosplay group STAT. Anybody want to join me?

Apparently they also get to ride Falcor, because why not? I am dying and in love with these shots and can’t wait to see this episode.

And as a reminder, you can still join Zarkon’s Army using my Free Pattern!

Will James
Will is a geeky CosMaker and father of 5-year-old and 2-year-old geeks-in-the-making living in Seattle, Washington. He loves reading, comics, cosplay, games (tabletop and video sorts), and robots - especially Transformers. He's also the co-host of the Sunday Evening with Captain Owen podcast (available on iTunes) and custom prop builder at Billythebrick Cosplay.

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